How Long Do Instant Potatoes Last Past Expiration Date?
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When planning what foods to keep stocked, you want to think about things you can store a lot of without taking up too much space. Dehydrated foods are best because they’re typically powders until mixed with water. That brings us to the topic of instant mashed potatoes.
Instant mashed potatoes are filling but very yummy and can be used as a base to make different meals. They can also last for about 12-18 months past their expiration date without repackaging. For a product that lasts so long and is relatively cheap, that’s a steal.

Could You Still Eat it?
While they can last 12-18 months past their expiration date, it’s pretty rare for instant mashed potatoes to go bad. As long as moisture doesn’t get into the flakes before cooking, you can eat them for a long time after their date.
However, the potatoes could lose their typical taste and texture after a while. They could congeal less when water is added and taste blander, but as long as the flakes haven’t become rotten, they would be technically safe to eat.
Where Should You Store it?
For more extended storage, be sure not to get potatoes with flavorings such as butter or garlic. The fats in these potatoes are what make them go rancid faster. Also, your number one enemy for dehydrated foods such as this is water.
The best way to avoid moisture getting into the potatoes is by using an airtight container such as a mylar bag and oxygen absorbers. Also, store them in a dry area away from heat. It’s always best practice to store items in a temperature-controlled room.
How Can You Tell If You Shouldn’t Eat it?
It becomes very apparent when food has gone bad. For example, if you open your instant potatoes with mold on them or smell funky, it’s a sign that it has gone bad and should not be eaten. Do not eat rotten food or you risk getting food poisoning.
You can tell that your instant potatoes are rotten if they develop black and white furry spots on them or if it starts to smell fishy. If you ingest this and get food poisoning, you could begin vomiting and becoming extremely dehydrated.
For How Long Can You Store Instant Potatoes?
Some shops sell prepackaged instant mashed potatoes that are meant for emergencies. Many of these brands will market that their potatoes last for up to 10 years due to higher quality packaging than regular grocery stores.
If you decide to store the instant potatoes in a mylar bag with oxygen absorbers, be sure to place them in a storage container to avoid rodents from chewing through the bags. Storing it this way, your potatoes may last up to 30 years.
For How Long Do Opened Instant Potatoes Last?
Unfortunately, with most things, once the item has been opened, it will expire much faster, so be sure only to open things when you need to. However, if you’ve opened your potatoes, they still last for up to 12 months which isn’t bad and gives plenty of time for you to make and eat them.
If you’ve already added liquid to the potatoes, they only last about a week until they start growing mold. Be sure to cook the necessary amount to feed everyone you need. You never know when you’re going to need to ration food.
Final Thoughts on How Long do Instant Potatoes last Past expiration Date
Instant mashed potatoes are not only filling but can last about 12-18 months past their expiration date. As long as moisture doesn’t get into the flakes before cooking, you can eat them for a long time after their date. If the potatoes get mold in them, throw them away.
The best way to avoid moisture getting into the potatoes is by using an airtight container such as a mylar bag and oxygen absorbers.
Doing this could last your potatoes for up to 30 years. If you’ve opened your potatoes, they last for 12 months, giving you lots of time to eat them.
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